Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Crossroads team Canada walk for the unborn

Group of young people devote their summer to a noble trek across the nation
Members of Crossroads USA. CNS photo / Bob Roller
A group of college students involved with Crossroads Canada are spending their summer unemployed, but having the opportunity to walk across Canada for the awareness of an important human right is worth the mild financial disparity.

Swayed by the pro-life movement, Ian Gallagher, 23, is leading a group of young people on a mission across the True North, to spark debate and raise awareness for the right to life.

In an article by LifeSiteNews.com, Gallagher is interviewed on his motivations for participating in his cross-country adventure:
LSN: What made you want to embark on this walk across Canada?
Gallagher: I have been interested in Crossroads the past few years while attending Our Lady Seat of Wisdom Academy, from which many of the walkers come. However, I originally planned to work this summer at home in Ottawa, but it fell through. Not knowing quite what I was going to do, I considered going out to work in the Alberta oil patch. Then I talked to a friend (who is on our team) about doing Crossroads Canada.
What has been the hardest aspect of your journey thus far?
One would think that the hardest part of our journey is the opposition we face. But actually the hardest part of the journey is keeping our constant focus on our mission, which is to change hearts and save lives. 
The reason why it’s hard is due to the devil’s traps. He seeks always to stop us from our activities by causing us difficulties of all kinds. We feel the presence of evil constantly, whether while walking, driving, or praying in front of abortion clinics.
Read the full story here.

1 comment:

  1. Way to go! It IS and WILL-BE such young people
    who will live to see an end to abortion in their lifetime. J Cullina


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