Thursday, March 7, 2013

Wait for conclave allows cardinals time for prayer

Cardinal Thomas Collins of Toronto attends Vespers in St. Peter's
Cardinal Thomas Collins of Toronto holds a B.C. Catholic
on the steps of St. Peter's after Vespers March 6.
(Alistair Burns / The B.C. Catholic)

VATICAN CITY--The Church is slowly inching along to sending cardinals into their conclave. Inside St. Peter’s Basilica, 113 red-hatted cardinals gathered for Vespers.

Cardinal Thomas Collins of Toronto spoke to The B.C. Catholic on the steps of St. Peters, in inclement Vancouver-like weather.

"I gave a lot of interviews when I first got here and I'll give a lot of interviews when (the conclave) is over, but right now, we're in a time of prayer."

Meanwhile, Canadian Cardinal Marc Ouellet declined comment.

Vatican sources say when all 115 voting cardinals meet tomorrow for the first time as a group, the starting date for the conclave will finally be announced.
Cardinal Marc Ouellet talks to a security guard in
St. Peter's Basilica March 6. (Alistair Burns / The B.C. Catholic)

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