Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Profile of future Pope

Opinions being formed about what's needed in next Pontiff
A group of Polish pilgrims in traditional attire watch outside as cardinals arrive for a general congregation meeting in the synod hall. CNS photo / Chris Warde-Jones.
Catholic News Agency reports that on their third day of pre-conclave meetings the cardinals were beginning to develop the profile of what the next Pope needs to look like.

Vatican spokesman Father Federico Lombardi, SJ, told the press March 6 that the principle themes of that day's meeting were "the Church in today's world, the New Evangelization, the Holy See, the dicasteries and their relations with the bishops, and what's beginning to emerge is a profile of the next Pope."

For the first time, a recommended limit of five minutes was placed on the length of comments cardinals could make, resulting in 18 interventions during the three-hour gathering.

For full story see The B.C. Catholic website.

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