Friday, March 8, 2013

Human health depends on health of the planet

Creation story has a destination
Dennis O'Hara spoke in Saskatoon's Queen House. "We no longer believe that
the Earth is the centre of the universe. The only problem is, we still act as if
we did," he said. (Photo: Kip Yaworski / The Prairie Messenger)
Dr. Dennis O'Hara spoke on human health, the environment and theology in Saskatoon Feb. 12. As a chiropractor, naturopathic doctor, and assistant professor, he was able to offer a unique perspective.
“Understanding creation as a sacred revelation, and the creation story as a sacred story with a destination — a story that is going somewhere” is critical to the health and future of the planet, Dr. Dennis O'Hara maintained.

“We often talk about spirituality as something that holds all of our life together,” he noted. “Spirituality provides a horizon of meaning.”

“When we talk about the environmental or cosmological dimension of human health, the easiest way to sum it up is a nice pithy phrase of Thomas Berry: ‘you cannot have healthy people on a sick planet,’ ” said O’Hara, citing the words of the well-known American priest and eco-theologian who died in 2009.
For the full story, see The B.C. Catholic website.

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