Thursday, March 7, 2013

B.C. Catholic journalist working from Vatican City

Alistair Burns will be reporting on all things conclave

Cardinal Thomas Collins holds the March 4 issue of
The B.C. Catholic
. (Photo: Alistair Burns / The B.C. Catholic)

The B.C. Catholic's Alistair Burns is in Vatican City reporting on the upcoming conclave. He will be writing, podcasting and using social media.

Listen to his podcasts, called Vatican Dispatches, on our website. (Just scroll down until you see multimedia on the right.)

And get instant updates when you follow us on twitter @BCCatholic or keep checking our blog and Facebook.

Yesterday, Alistair interviewed Toronto's Cardinal Thomas Collins. Read that story here and another one here.


  1. Excellent! Thanks for posting the information.

  2. Also good to hear Alistair Burns back on CKNW with freelance reports from the Vatican. A world removed from the venerable Eye in the Sky!


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