Monday, February 25, 2013

Quebec Physicians rally opposition to euthanasia

Good palliative care needed
Many Quebec physicians oppose the province's plans to allow euthanasia,
saying it will replace a patient's right to be cared for. (Photo: CNS)

A growing group of Quebec physicians are working against the province's plans to allow euthanasia in hospitals, saying that it will make doctors "accomplices in homicide." Deborah Gyapong reports:
We will renounce the right to be cared for in exchange for the right to be euthanized, warned palliative care physician Dr. Patrick Vinay at a Feb. 19 news conference in Montreal sponsored by members of Physicians’ Alliance for Total Refusal of Euthanasia. “We cannot support it.”

Technically, giving someone a lethal injection to provoke death “is a homicide,” said orthopedic surgeon Dr. Marc Beauchamp. He stressed the responsibility doctors have in caring for vulnerable people and protecting them. “If doctors can kill people, it’s dangerous, it endangers vulnerable people.”
Read the full story at The B.C. Catholic website.

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