Thursday, February 28, 2013

Cardinal Ouellet a "beautiful man, caring, open"

Edmonton waits to see what will happen at next conclave
Some consider Cardinal Marc Ouellet a leading candidate
to succeed Pope Benedict XVI. (Photo: Catholic Register)

With the end of Pope Benedict XVI's papacy, there are many guesses as to who will be his successor. In Edmonton, some are hoping for Cardinal Marc Ouellet, while others hesitate to say.
Irish bookies are giving him great odds, Edmontonians are answering urgent media producers’ calls asking for memories about him, and inquiring journalists sometimes hear a “no comment” barked into their cellphone or texted instantly back.

“Let’s wait until we see what happens in Rome first,” advised one patient churchperson.

The man – Cardinal Marc Ouellet. Known throughout Canada, Europe, Colombia, this red hat spent three years as rector of Edmonton’s St. Joseph Seminary.

With rumours that the conclave may look beyond Europe for the next pope, celebrated South and North American cardinals and their bios are making the secular world press. Africa too, with its 16 per cent of the world’s Catholics, is mentioned as a possible place of origin of the next pope.
Read the full story at The B.C. Catholic website.

1 comment:

  1. All the World is anxiously awaiting the next Pope but more important that the Holy Spirit is leading the right man to fill the shoes of Peter. Faith will lead the way for us and it will be nice if He happens to be a Canadian. However many good men among the Conclave could do the job and it is exciting to see who it will be.


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