Thursday, October 11, 2012

Church volunteers help the formerly homeless

Welcome Home program well liked by Edmonton's former downtrodden
Debbie Jodoin is getting help in adjusting to her new life through the Welcome Home
program. Ramon Gonzalez / CCN.
The B.C. Catholic has a story by Roman Gonzalez about an Edmonton program by Catholic Social Services called Welcome Home:
Debbie Jodoin spent a year living in a shelter and begging for change on the streets. Her situation improved dramatically five months ago when she moved into a brand new apartment through the Housing First program.

Jodoin, 55, is one of about 1,800 people who have made the journey from homelessness to home since Edmonton began its 10-Year Plan to End Homelessness three years ago.

But as Jodoin knows, adjusting to a new life off the streets takes time and is usually a lonely experience. In the beginning, she spent a lot of time alone in her new home, except for casual visits from her children.

Now, thanks to Catholic Social Services’ Welcome Home Program, Jodoin receives weekly visits from a Christian couple who spend quality time with her. She is happy with the arrangement because the couple talks to her, and takes her out for movies and dinner or simply for coffee.
Read the full story at The B.C. Catholic website.

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