Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Christian group releases an adventure leaflet

COLF exhorts families to engage in new evangelization

The B.C. Catholic has a story by Deborah Gyapong about a new leaflet released by the Catholic Organization for Life and Family (COLF) that encourages families to spread the Good News in conjunction with the Year of Faith:
In “The Gospel of Everyday Life: an Adventure Worth Sharing,” COLF explains the role of the family as a domestic church as well as that of lay faithful in evangelizing in light of the teachings of the Second Vatican Council and Scripture.
For decades, Catholic Church leaders have been calling for the new evangelization - “new in its ardour, new in its methods and means of expression” because “too many of the baptized live as if God does not exist,” COLF says. “Their way of life, their opinions, their choices, are aligned with an atheistic or relativistic vision of life.”
Not only baptized Catholics need to hear “Christ spoken of seriously” but so do those “with whom we rub shoulders at work, school, or university; in the shopping mall, the subway, or bus; in our leisure and volunteer activities.”
Read the full story at The B.C. Catholic website.

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