Thursday, July 26, 2012

'The New Normal' totally abnormal

One Million Moms campaign urges removal of anti-family show
The always normal family is one father, one mother, and their children.
This Catholic News Agency story tells of a group of concerned mothers across the U.S.A. who are protesting an upcoming television show that depicts homosexuality and surrogate childbearing as "the new normal family":

"NBC's 'The New Normal' is attempting to desensitize America and our children," said the pro-family organization, One Million Moms. "It is the opposite of how families are designed and created. You cannot recreate the biological wheel."

The group, which is a ministry of the American Family Association, is protesting the upcoming show, "The New Normal," which is set to air in September on the Comcast-owned network, NBC.

For full story see The B.C. Catholic website.


  1. wonder where this group was when that other network had the polygamists on it - i guess this type of family goes a bit further - what happened to the duggers and their many children but all natural and religious - is that a better family portrait?

  2. This blog post links to the wrong story, me thinks


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